How to use and cite the Toolkit

The Healthy Ageing Toolkit is a searchable database of cohort studies suitable for studying healthy ageing and its social and environmental factors from countries worldwide.

Here are the simple steps on how to use the Toolkit: 
  1. Click on the Toolkit section to perform a search. 
  2. Select countries you want to research using the interactive map. 
  3. By clicking on the arrow next to each category of variables, you can refine your search by filtering additional variables as needed. 
  4. Click the Apply button at the bottom of the page to see search results.

Search results will appear in a Matrix view. To reset your search, click on the Reset button.

How to cite the Toolkit

Khalatbari-Soltani S & Blyth FM. 2023. Healthy Ageing Toolkit. Available from:

Site Structure

We hope you will find the toolkit easy to navigate and self-explanatory. The Toolkit includes:

  • An About section describing the Rationale for the Healthy Ageing Toolkit, information on Data Collections, Strengths and Limitations, and a step-by-step guide on How to Use the Toolkit.
  • The Toolkit section includes an interactive map to search for cohort studies with measurements of interest.